It is quite befitting for dogs to be called “man’s best friend” because they are loyal and loving at the same time. As much as they love you, there are times when they get annoyed by the things you do.
They often convey their annoyance by doing some behavioral signals. However, most of the telltale signs that they are pissed off often look cute or even friendly.
That is why instead of taking the warning, pet owners who didn’t know any better start petting their dog and end up having some injuries.
Correctly identifying the signs that your dog hates you at the moment is vital. Once you see that your dog is not in the mood, you need to back off and try to calm it down.
Misinterpreting the behavior of an anxious or angry dog is dangerous especially for your friends who had the misfortune of dropping by your house at the wrong time. Discussed below are some of the telltale signs that your dog is considering kicking your ass.
Tail Wagging
Most people think that a dog is happy or trying to be friendly when it is wagging its tail. Dogs do wag their tail when their happy, but it also does if it feels edgy.
Before you go anywhere near and gush over a cute dog with a wagging tail, take a moment to observe the movement of its tail.
If its tail is wagging to the right, then go ahead and approach the dog. This indicates that it is calm, and ready for your big hugs and pet talks.
If the direction of the wagging is noticeably going to the left, then you better not come any closer if you know what is good for you. Left-side tail wagging is an indication of anxiety, and you do not want to freak out your dog or hell will break lose. The dog is probably preparing to attack if it is raising its tail high. It is their way of warning other dogs and humans alike that they are not in their friendliest mood.
Eye Contact
Many of us have a tendency to humanize dog behavior such us eye contact.
For humans, eye contact is a way of making a friendly connection that is why you might feel it is only right to look them straight into their eyes when you say how much you love them.
Well, you should know your dog would love to scratch off your face as it looks into your eyes. This is because they interpret eye contact as a form of threat.
Just like people, an exhausted dog might do quick yawns. However, you should be cautious if the yawning is done in an exaggerated manner. If the dog stretches its mouth open as if making an exaggerated yawn, it is trying to calm itself.
The mouth has a lot of blood vessels so when it is exposed to the air; the dog’s arterial blood’s temperature is cooled. Common sense would tell you that the dog is doing its best not to snap at you if it is calming itself.
Smacks Your Leg or Head
When you want something from someone who keeps ignoring you, then you might end up smacking that person just to get his attention.
If the dog is not getting your attention when he needs it, you might get some paw smacking yourself. Try to figure out what your dog wants so he would stop doing it.
Dogs have other, less annoying ways to get your attention. If none of those ways work, then their last resort is to smack you in the legs or head if they can reach it.
Walk Out
Did you arrived home from work, and finding your carpet drenched in dog piss or some of your stuffs baring the signs of being chewed by canine teeth?
Like any pet owners in this situation, you may have blurted a litany of “didn’t I tell you…” with a matching finger wagging, as if scolding a child.
If you’ve done this before, then it is likely that you get the usual reaction that dogs have in this situation. He walks out on you like a stubborn teenager.
By calling out his name, you get the dogs attention for a few moments. As you start your soliloquy, you will begin to sound annoying because you say things it doesn’t understand. It is best to keep your stuffs out of reach if you do not want dogs to play with them. Potty train your dog so you won’t have to deal with the mess of piss and poop around your house.
Dog Pulls the Leash A Little Too Hard
Walking with a leash tied on their neck doesn’t feel natural for a dog if it is the first time you place it on them.
Tugging is not a sign of excitement for the walk, but an indication that the presence of the leash on their neck confused and agitates them.
However, there is a correct technique in putting a dog on leash for the first time. If done correctly, you will be able to put your dog on leash without putting it on edge.
Some dogs are tugging their leash because they are trying to exert dominance. This happens when you rarely do any activities with your dog because they will stop seeing you as a pack leader. If they think they no longer have a leader, dogs will assume the role of the alpha dog. In an effort to show his dominance, your dog will try to show that it is in control by tugging the leash. This is dangerous for your dog because it might strain or even break his neck.
The Dog Gives You a Big Smile
When a dog bare all its teeth in what seems like a wide and friendly smile, you and your friends will surely think it is in a very good mood and ready for some friendly interactions. Before you go near a “smiling” dog however, you need to keep in mind that its teeth are its only weapon. Now think about it, are you sure you want to be near a dog whose taking out its weapon?
A dog baring all its teeth is frightened, anxious, or angry. It brings out its teeth to prepare itself to attack in case the perceived threat comes closer, which at the moment is probably you.
An aggressive dog might even pucker, which you might think that he want a nice friendly pooch. Next time you see a dog smile at you, be sure to walk away- fast! Keep in mind that if a dog is happy, it will keep its mouth closed or partially open showing little to no teeth.
There are several responsibilities that come with becoming a pet owner. Aside from providing for their basic needs, you also need to give them love and discipline.
Understanding the behavior of your dogs will make you a better pack leader and caretaker. Knowing the telltale signs that your dog is not particularly happy to see your face will also help ensure that you or any of your friends will not land in the emergency room.